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Versus Arthritis and Fight for Sight – Small grant award

  Wednesday, 13 Sep 2023 | Funding Deadline

Small Grant Awards are intended to be used to collect preliminary/pilot data to make research ideas more competitive when developing larger follow-on funding applications. These awards offer funding for early career clinical or research scientists to conduct stand-alone research projects.

This scheme is focussed on research addressing arthritis and visual impairment. This includes, but is not limited to Bechet’s Syndrome, Giant Cell Arthritis, and Sjögren's syndrome. Any research relevant to inflammation and uveitis are also welcomed. The strategic area of focus for Fight for Sight is:
•    Prevention: prevent eye diseases and conditions occurring.
•    Understanding: enhance understanding of eye diseases and their underlying causes.
•    Diagnosis: enable eye diseases and conditions to be detected earlier.
•    Treatment: develop new and improved treatments for eye diseases and conditions.

Deadline for proposals: 13 September 2023

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