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UK Research and Innovation: Mindset extended reality (XR) for digital mental health

  Wednesday, 12 Oct 2022 | Funding Deadline

Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation, will invest up to £4 million in innovation projects in the creative technologies sector. This is across two strands of the competition. The aim of this competition is to develop digital therapeutic Extended Reality (XR) solutions to provide mental health care services. These solutions may be applied and trialled following a two year R&D cycle. They must have the potential to be adopted at scale to form part of the UK’s formal mental healthcare ecosystem. The project must undertake research and development, in the form of industrial research, in the application of Extended Reality (XR) to provide mental health care solutions. This would be specifically to explore how digital therapeutic content can provide positive mental health applications and outcomes for both young adults (aged 13 and above) and older adults. The project must demonstrate that the solution could be applied, trialled and ultimately adopted at scale, to provide a broad benefit to the UK mental health sector.

Deadline for proposals: 12 October 2022
Find out more here