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The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation: Research fellowship in clinical diabetes

  Monday, 05 Dec 2022 | Funding Deadline

The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation (NNUKRF) aims to secure benefits for people with diabetes via support for health care professionals by funding research, training and education. Focusing on ‘patient facing’ health care professionals the Foundation will support research into the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes and related metabolic disorders. In so doing the Foundation will help to secure the future of diabetes academic health care professionals. Their aims are:

  • Promoting research into the causes and treatment of diabetes mellitus and publishing the useful results thereof.
  • The preservation and protection of the health of the public by educating them and conducting research into the causes and prevention of diabetes.
  • The advancement and promotion of education in the treatment of diabetes by members of the medical profession

NNUKRF Fellowships awards are open to all health care professions. Fulltime 3 and 4 year Fellowships or 5 year part time are available.

Deadline for preliminary applications: 5 December 2022
Find out more here