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The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund: Project Grants

  Thursday, 01 Jul 2021 | Funding Deadline

The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund awards grants for research on aspects of leukaemia and for relevant studies on related haematological malignancies. Applications are sought for first class research on innovative proposals and are particularly welcomed from those with applications close to the care of leukaemia patients or the prevention of leukaemia or related diseases.

It is intended that KKLF funding should not be the ‘core’ funding of any research group. Applicants should state clearly how their proposal relates to their core funding. Applications are particularly encouraged from individuals within 5 years of their first independent group leader position. Grants will be awarded for research on aspects of leukaemia and for relevant studies on related haematological malignancies. Requests for support for basic science programmes may be considered. Clinical trials will not be supported. Proposals which are closely related to the prevention, diagnosis, or therapy of leukaemia and related diseases are particularly encouraged.


Deadline for proposals: 01 July 2021

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