Wednesday, 31 Mar 2021 | Funding Deadline
The Colt Foundation funds high quality research in environmental and occupation health with a particular interest in research projects that are likely to inform policy and working practices and thereby improve the health and wellbeing of workers and the wider population.
The Research, Development and Analysis Fund looks for interesting questions/issues that fit the Nuffield Foundation’s mission and is relevant to the questions in their three domains. There should be a clear articulation of what you intend to do, why it matters, and what difference it will make. Applications for research, development and analysis grants are usually between £10,000 and £500,000. Most of the grants awarded are between £50,000 and £300,000 and are between six months and three years in duration, but they will occasionally consider proposals with a larger budget or longer timescale.
Deadline for proposals: March 2021
Find out more here