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The CO Research Trust: Research Grants

  Wednesday, 20 Oct 2021 | Funding Deadline

The CO Research Trust (formerly the Gas Safety Trust) is a charity whose objective is to reduce the incidents of death and serious injury from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. The Trust provides grant funding, advice and support to organisations wishing to carry out research and evidence gathering relating to safety.

The CO Research Trust’s chosen areas of research focus are:

  • To improve the diagnosis of CO poisoning - by finding a new biomarker
  • To understand the mechanics of CO poisoning - to improve treatments
  • To understand the co-morbidities in vulnerable groups - to develop solutions to mitigate risk
  • To measure the scale of CO poisoning in the UK
  • To understand the impact of building regulations and energy efficiency on CO safety
  • To understand the level of risk in the use of solid fuels
  • To improve detection where the risk of CO exposure cannot be eliminated


Deadline for proposals: 20 October 2021

Find out more here