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Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust: Sir Jules Thorn Award for Biomedical Research

  Monday, 01 Nov 2021 | Funding Deadline

Over the past 20 years the Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust has supported world-leading translational research projects through the Sir Jules Thorn Award. The Award provides a grant of up to £1.7 million to support a five-year programme of translational biomedical research selected following a competition among applicants sponsored by the UK’s leading medical schools and NHS organisations. UK medical schools and NHS organisations are normally able to submit one application annually, selected following an internal competition. Full details of the programme are given in the guidance notes.

The research must have a justifiable claim to be at the leading edge of international science and must be led by a clearly identified Principal Applicant of outstanding quality in the early years of an established research and academic career.

Deadline for proposals: 01 November 2021

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