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Sight Research UK: Seed Award

  Friday, 26 Aug 2022 | Funding Deadline

Sight Research UK funds scientific, clinical, and applied healthcare research to help find new ways of diagnosing, preventing, and treating eye conditions. The Seed Award supports a diverse portfolio of research projects, including:
• Proof of concept, fundamental or basic, and disease modelling research with a clear pathway to patient benefit.

  • Laboratory based, pre-clinical research projects, building on existing proof-of-concept data, with a clear pathway to patient benefit. In particular, we will consider discrete elements of larger translational research projects (at Translational Readiness Level 5, 6, or 7) such as:
  • Projects that are relevant to and highly promising in the clinical setting (i.e., the applicants have already shown that the idea might be used as therapy in man).
  • Research delivered in a clinical setting as supported by the NIHR Clinical Research Network (Sight Research UK is an NIHR Non-commercial Partner).
  • Applied healthcare projects that can deliver tangible patient benefit, including the development of new low vision devices.
  • They encourage applications from non-tenured early career researchers.

Deadline for proposals: 26 August 2022
Find out more here