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Rosetrees Trust: Project Grants

  Tuesday, 31 Jan 2023 | Funding Deadline

Rosetrees is a venture philanthropy charity, supporting cutting edge translational medical research. They are committed to funding outstanding research from scientists, clinicians and associated healthcare professionals that will improve health and wellbeing for everyone within the short to medium term. Research goals include:

  • Understanding: Understanding the biological mechanisms that lead to the development and progression of disease.
  • Prevention: Preventing the development of disease and promoting healthy living and aging.
  • Early Diagnosis: Identifying new techniques to detect and treat early signs of disease.
  • Treatment: Developing new and improved treatments for diseases and conditions.

Project grants support innovative and established research projects with an established proof-of-concept. Projects are welcomed in all bio-medical research areas, and projects that address unmet clinical needs in the areas of mental health, arthritis, pain, sleep and infertility are of particular interest. They also particularly welcome cross-disciplinary applications.

Deadline for proposals: 31 January 2023
Find out more here