Monday, 22 May 2023 | Events/Workshops
The call aims to fund projects that address demand for recreational drugs and are thereby likely to lead to reduced drug use and dependency.
NIHR is launching phase 2 of a call as part of the Government’s 10 year drug strategy, funded by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in partnership with the Joint Combating Drugs Unit (JCDU) (working across the Home Office, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities, Ministry of Justice, DHSC and the Department for Education). The call aims to fund projects that address demand for recreational drugs and are thereby likely to lead to reduced drug use and dependency.
Phase 2 will focus on further development and refinement of interventions, testing and evaluation of successful Phase 1 projects, in addition to new applications to develop new and evaluate existing interventions. Projects can request up to £500k over up to 12 months.
When 22nd May
12.00-13.00 online
More information and to register
Information about the call can be found