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RDSEM Introduction to NIHR Fellowship Seminar (Leicester)

  Monday, 03 Sep 2018 | Events/Workshops

Date: 3 September
Time: 12:00 - 2:00pm
Venue: Henry Wellcome, Lancaster Rd, Leicester LE1 7HB
Booking: Event is free, book yourself a place

This seminar will provide an introduction to the newly revamped NIHR fellowship awards!


Learn all about the new NIHR fellowship schemes
Dawn Biram – NIHR TCC

What the interview panel expect to see!
Keith Abrams – panel member Advanced Fellowship

Lessons from a successful applicant
Ellie John and Ellesha Smith - DRF

Reflections on unsuccessful applications
Sarah Seaton - TIMMS

How the ICA scheme is different
Jackie Campbell

Where next and how the RDS can help

Rachel Evley - RDSEM.

Q&A and discussion over tea and coffee