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Public Health Research Programme

  Friday, 24 Apr 2020 | Funding Deadline

Public Health Research Programme

The Public Health Research Programme are accepting Stage 2 applications to this funding opportunity. 

20/30 Local Authority Research System call - Exploring how to support local government health research

The NIHR is looking to explore how it can strengthen its support to research in the local government environment. The NIHR recognises that innovation is happening in some local authorities and wants to explore how current, or new, systems could be developed, at a local level, to support sustainable and influential research activity.

This call provides specific funding (up to £50,000 per site) for up to 10 sites across the UK. This funding will be available between late May and September 2020 and is to fund the exploration of how a local authority might form the basis of a research system that will enable that authority to become research active.

Applications are welcomed from throughout the UK and may be from an individual or group.

In order to apply you will need to carefully review the: 

• Specification document
• Stage 2 Guidance notes (specific to this call)
• Suppporting information


The deadline for applications is Friday 24 April 2020, at 1pm.

The selection process will be via our Prioritisation Committee in early May, successful applicants will be expected to start work by the end of May 2020 and contract rapidly.