Tuesday, 31 Dec 2019 | Funding Deadline
The RFS has been set up to provide the public health research community with an accelerated route to funding for small-scale, short and time sensitive proposals that demonstrate a need for a rapid commissioning process to be followed.
Application dates: 01 March 2018 to 31 December 2019
If you would like your proposal to be considered for the RFS, please contact phr@nihr.ac.uk with a summary of your intended project of no more than one page of A4 in length describing both the proposed work and the reasons for the urgency.
Once the information provided has been considered by the PHR programme, you will be informed whether your proposal is eligible for the RFS. If eligible you will be given four weeks to complete a stage 2 application form. A final decision will be communicated to the applicant within 4-6 weeks of the application.