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Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams – Local Authority interventions

  Tuesday, 08 Jun 2021 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme are accepting expressions of interest from Local Authorities that have initiatives in need of research and evaluation. The PHR Programme has appointed four academic teams via the PHIRST scheme. The four teams are ready to work with local authorities to co-produce research on priority initiatives. The teams are fully funded to co-design and undertake robust research in partnership with local authorities.

The purpose of this call is to identify and prioritise local authority initiatives which have the potential to impact on health, and which require research input. We anticipate high demand and will prioritise local authority initiatives that:

  • are likely to lead to important impacts on population health
  • are likely to be widely generalisable
  • where there is an identified need for the initiative
  • where the initiative is readily evaluable
  • where the source of the initiative funding is identified and preferably secured
  • where research will provide timely evidence to underpin policy or practice


Deadline for proposals: 8th June 2021

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