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Psoriasis Association – Small grants

  Friday, 04 Dec 2020 | Funding Deadline

The Psoriasis Association is a national charity and membership organisation for people affected by psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis in the UK. The Psoriasis Association funds and promotes research into the causes, nature and care of people with psoriasis.

The Psoriasis Association will consider applications that have clear relevance to its aim 'to promote and fund research into the causes, nature and care of psoriasis and to publish and disseminate the results of that research'. A small grant of up to £10,000 from the Cecil King Memorial Foundation available for psoriasis research projects where the lead researcher is under 35 years of age or within the first five consecutive years of their first permanent independent academic research post or a named limited-tenured/fixed-term academic research post in the UK or Ireland.


Deadline for proposals: 4th December 2020

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