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Prostate Cancer UK: Research to transform prostate cancer diagnosis

  Wednesday, 31 Aug 2022 | Funding Deadline

Every year, over 9000 men across the UK are diagnosed only after their cancer has metastasised and spread widely around their body. Those men, as a result of their late diagnosis, miss any opportunity for curative treatment and have a very significantly reduced life expectancy compared to men diagnosed with cancer that is still contained within the prostate (or even prostate cancer that has spread but only within the pelvic region).

This call will fund a modern trial designed to provide definitive evidence for diagnostic approaches that could replace the current pathway, with flexibility to include or add future interventions or comparisons (or elements downstream of initial diagnosis, such as refinements to our ability to prognosticate or predict optimum treatments), and the collection of biosamples to power discovery and future-proof the trial.

Deadline for proposals: 31 August 2022
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