Friday, 24 Sep 2021 | Funding Deadline
The Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence to improve the quality, accessibility and organisation of health and social care services.
The HS&DR Programme is interested in receiving well-designed research studies, with strong theoretical grounding, to generate robust national and international learning to strengthen the evidence base on the effectiveness and impact of Alcohol Care Teams (ACTs). This work will evaluate the national intervention running to 2024 of optimising ACTs in a quarter of targeted trusts. Interim findings should be made available to support best practice in the cohort and share learning.
The programme wishes to fund high-quality research to establish the impact and cost effectiveness of optimised Alcohol Care Teams. Given the scale of the programme, this may be best delivered by a collaboration or syndicate of researchers in different parts of the country, with combination of specialist content knowledge (alcohol/addiction) and general skills in areas such as health economics, organisational and qualitative research and/or modelling/analytics.
Deadline for proposals: 24 September 2021
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