Tuesday, 20 Sep 2022 | Funding Deadline
The Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence to improve the quality, accessibility and organisation of health and social care services. The programme aims to commission high quality, well designed research which will be carried out by effective and efficient research teams, providing findings which meet the needs of NHS and Social Care managers and leaders.
The NIHR is inviting research proposals that seek to develop the critical underlying infrastructure to accelerate progress in and learning from MND clinical trials. This will build on existing initiatives, networks and collaborations that capitalise on recent progress in drug development, to improve trial design and participation, validate new patient relevant outcomes and validate identified clinical biomarkers that are known to correlate to a clinical endpoint.
NIHR is interested in funding studies that use innovative trial designs that have the potential to increase patient participation in clinical studies. This could be through the use of stratification, predictive modelling, and/or the use of novel study designs, such as platform trials and n-of-1 studies. Applicants should also consider the efficiency of studies to reduce the burden on participants, such as the use of remote monitoring or bio sampling.
Deadline for proposals: 20 September 2022
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