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NIHR School for Social Care Research: Individual Research Career Development Awards

  Friday, 10 Dec 2021 | Funding Deadline

As part of the NIHR School for Social Care Research’s commitment to developing research capacity in adult social care, they are inviting applications for Individual Research Career Development Awards. With support from the NIHR Academy, SSCR are seeking high-quality applications for research career development awards from individuals who have a commitment to developing the evidence base to improve adult social care practice in England. This may include individuals already working in social care in research, education or practice, or people with research expertise in an aligned sector, topic area or discipline who wish to bring their skills and experience to adult social care. SSCR are keen to support professionals working in adult social care who wish to develop their research capacity, as well as individuals who are already in research careers.


Deadline for expression of interest: 10 December 2021

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