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NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)

  Tuesday, 30 Nov 2021 | Funding Deadline

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme funds research to generate evidence to inform the delivery of non-NHS interventions, intended to improve the health of the public, and reduce inequalities in health.

The PHR Programme is accepting Stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream for the topic “Food insecurity – health impacts and mitigation”.

For this call, the Public Health Research Programme is particularly interested in evaluating the health outcomes of interventions that aim to decrease food insecurity in the longer term rather than on an emergency basis. The Public Health Research Programme is also particularly interested in receiving applications for evaluations of upstream interventions that seek to influence factors that operate at national, regional or civic, community, or institutional levels to prevent and reduce food insecurity. Researchers should specify and justify their choice and the relevance to the population being studied.


Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2021

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