Tuesday, 25 Apr 2023 | Funding Deadline
The NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is seeking to commission four new Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST) to join the existing PHIRST teams. The new teams will conduct evaluative research of local government initiatives, to build the evidence base for local government decision making as it relates to health and health inequalities.
The PHIRST model is that local government teams put forward their local initiatives for evaluation. PHIRSTs undertake responsive research with a focus on local government across the UK. Each team will be commissioned by the PHR Programme for a four-year contract. The commissioned team will have a demonstrable track record of a broad range of public health research, including access to the full range of scientific disciplines and methods needed to evaluate the breadth of local government activities.
Deadline for proposals: 25 April 2023
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