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NIHR Public Health Research (PHR) Programme :Application Development Award – Healthy extended working lives

  Tuesday, 30 Nov 2021 | Funding Deadline

The Public Health Research (PHR) Programme funds research to generate evidence to inform the delivery of non-NHS interventions, intended to improve the health of the public, and reduce inequalities in health.

The PHR Programme is accepting direct-to-Stage 2 applications to this funding opportunity for development work to support a later application to a pending commissioned call on interventions to support healthy extended working lives.

People over the age of 65 make up an increasing proportion of the workforce. Due to the changes in the State pension age and the abolition of the default retirement age, this trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. A recent systematic review undertaken by the Public Health Review Team found that there is a lack of interventions to support people to have healthy extended working lives and/or to mitigate the potential negative effects of working longer for some groups of employees.

The aim of this award scheme is to provide funding for underpinning or development work, or activity to develop and adapt interventions that will support later applications to a commissioned call on interventions to support healthy extended working lives. Applicants will be expected to make a clear link between the development work and their proposed application to the pending commissioned call.


Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2021

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