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NIHR PRP Working Age Consultation Event

  Thursday, 24 Oct 2019 | Events/Workshops

The NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP) wants to develop the evidence base for policy aimed at improving health and wellbeing, and reducing health inequalities, for people of working age. As employment is one of the key determinants of health, there is a particular interest in evidence on the relationship between health and work.  

In 2018, the programme commissioned a new set of Policy Research Units (PRU), and a research specification for a Working Age PRU was among those advertised. As a Working Age PRU was not commissioned, we are consulting with researchers and other stakeholders to further develop our approach, and ensure a focus on high priority questions.  

The NIHR Central Commissioning Facility and the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) are running this event in London to inform a research specification for a future funding round and allow networking and potential collaborations for individuals from multidisciplinary backgrounds.  

The all-day event will include key speakers, a sandpit-style priority setting workshop, and networking. Attendance at these events is FREE and lunch will be provided. Spaces are limited so please use the expression of interest form to register your interest by 7th October. All spaces and event information will be confirmed after the deadline. This event is open to representatives from medical schools, business schools, charities, the NHS, local authorities, allied health professions and the public. This list is not exhaustive so please register your interest.   

If you are a researcher with an interest in the field, who is unable to attend this event but would still like to take part, please complete this Research Question submission form. We are collecting a list of research questions that will contribute towards informing the debate and priority setting at the consultation event.

Visit here more information and to register