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NIHR Programme Development Grants (PDG)

  Thursday, 13 Jan 2022 | Funding Deadline

NIHR Programme Development Grants (PDG) are designed to enable a research team to carry out targeted preparatory work to develop a competitive Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) funding application. They can also be used to further develop an existing or ongoing PGfAR-funded programme of research.

Programme Development Grants are designed to increase the rate and number of successful applications for a full Programme Grant by supporting the completion of the necessary preparatory work to suitably position the research team to submit a competitive Programme Grant application.

Applications to PDG are made with the support of an NHS body and other providers of NHS services in England. If an application is successful, a contract will be placed with that organisation for delivery of the research and all funds for the research will be paid to the NHS organisation or other provider of NHS services.


Deadline for proposals: 13 January 2022

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