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NIHR Pre-Doctoral fellowships (PLAF, PCAF)

  Sunday, 26 Mar 2023 | Funding Deadline

Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (PLAF)
The NIHR Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (PLAF) scheme supports the academic ambitions of individuals wishing to develop as health and/or social care researchers whilst remaining employed, or at least engaged, within local authorities or local authority supporting services. These fully funded fellowships enable awardees to retain their existing employment contracts and salaries, whilst protecting their time to undertake a bespoke programme of relevant Masters level training and to prepare an application for a subsequent PhD fellowship. Applicants must, however, be employed by: (a) a local authority; (b) a provider of local authority commissioned services; (c) a non-profit organisation (such as a charity) that provides services on behalf of a local authority, or supports a local authority in meeting its objectives.

Deadline for applications: 26 March 2023