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NIHR Population Health Career Scientist Awards

  Thursday, 06 Jul 2023 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR Population Health Career Scientist Award (PHCSA) is a UK-wide initiative to support independent researchers who are emerging as future leaders in research, focused on the wider determinants of health. The PHCSA forms part of a series of initiatives and investment by NIHR to enable local government to become more research-active and to help address the most important research questions facing policymakers and services at local, regional and national levels.

The PHCSA constitutes dedicated additional investment aimed at building capacity in areas relevant to population health to meet the needs of both local and national government. This exciting new initiative will help support local government decision making by focusing on research programmes directly relevant to and co-produced with local government colleagues. Importantly, providing the investment and support to facilitate greater links between research and practice will provide the opportunity for researchers to become immersed in the local government context, and directly commission research to meet local government evidence needs.

Deadline for proposals: 6 July 2023
Find out more here