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NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP):New commissioned calls

  Tuesday, 15 Jun 2021 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR funds policy research to enable evidence informed policy making in health and social care. The NIHR Policy Research Programme (PRP) is inviting applications to undertake research on the following:


  • Working Age Health: Research on working age health to support Government policy around work, health and disability.
  • Unmet need for substance misuse treatment: Research to increase the understanding of three cohorts of substance users not in contact with treatment services: dependent alcohol users, crack users and opiate users.
  • Evaluation of the 0-5 Public Health Investment in England: Research to evaluate the current public health investment for 0-5 year olds in England through the Healthy Child programme (HCP). The HCP is delivered through Local Authorities where health visitors support families through health and wellbeing reviews and interventions from the antenatal period to school entry.
  • Nature based social prescribing: Research on nature-based social prescribing. Specifically, the project will seek to explore therapeutic interventions and activities and mental health examine.
  • Unit Costs of Health and Social Care: Research to deliver the annual estimates of the Unit Costs of Health and Social Care for the next 5 years, starting in April 2022.
  • Frailty in Younger Groups: Research to explore frailty in younger groups. Specifically, the project will seek to examine the nature of frailty in the younger adult population (aged 18-64 years).
  • Evaluation of the Healthy Start Scheme: Research to explore the Healthy Start Voucher scheme. Specifically, the project will seek to; evaluate the impact of the scheme; assess whether Healthy Start vouchers influence food purchases and; examine whether there are ways to improve take-up and outcomes of the scheme.
  • Research Initiative on the Impact of Advertising Food and Drink High in Fat, Sugar and Salt: The projects will seek to examine several areas including; the impact of advertising on adults; the impact of mode of advertising and; the impact of advert content. This research project aims to plug current evidence gaps and expand the evidence base for the impact of advertising on consumption of products HFSS.


Deadline for proposals: 15 June 2021