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NIHR Invention for Innovation - Challenge Awards

  Tuesday, 12 Jan 2021 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme supports the preclinical and clinical development of medical technologies in areas of existing or emerging patient need. The i4i programme invites proposals to Call 11 of its researcher-led Challenge Awards, which this year are on the topic of Real World Implementation (RWI).

The RWI Challenge Award will fund investigations of medtech innovations in healthcare settings. The aim is to shorten the evidence gap between the safety/efficacy typical of a newly or nearly CE marked technology and what is required for decisions by commissioners and regulators. At the same time, this will de-risk the product for follow-on investment.

In this competition, we are partnering with ESPRC, Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation to highlight our support for the development and adoption of asthma health technologies.


Deadline for proposals: 12th January 2021

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