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NIHR – Innovation Fund to Reduce Demand for Illicit Substances

  Wednesday, 12 Oct 2022 | Funding Deadline

The new Innovation Fund to Reduce Demand for Illicit Substances is holding a three phase funding call for research on developing, evaluating and implementing interventions to reduce and prevent demand for ‘recreational drugs’. In the 2021 drugs strategy, ‘From Harm to Hope’, the government committed to developing a world-leading evidence base on what works to reduce drug demand, with the overarching ambition to reduce overall drug use towards a 30-year low over the coming decade. The Innovation Fund, an NIHR partnership with the Office for Health

Improvements and Disparities and the cross-government Joint Combating Drugs Unit, will fund research projects that will help build this evidence base and tackle this societal challenge. The Innovation Fund to Reduce Demand for Illicit Substances call will focus on reducing demand, and therefore reducing use, of so-called ‘recreational drugs’ such as powder cocaine, cannabis, ecstasy and nitrous oxide. The fund will support the development and piloting of new population level interventions, their evaluation and future roll-out in the community, if found to be effective.

Deadline for proposals: 12 October 2022
Find out more here