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NIHR Health Services & Delivery Research Programme (HS&DR): Community Pharmacies

  Friday, 25 Sep 2020 | Funding Deadline

The Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence to improve the quality, accessibility and organisation of health and social care services.

The HS&DR Programme is accepting stage 1 applications to the following commissioned workstream:



NICE identified a research need to understand how the expanding role of community pharmacies are integrated with other health and social care services. Community Pharmacies (i.e. local chemists that are accessible to all and not based in a hospital, clinic or solely online) are currently undergoing rapid change and expansion in the services they offer to support the health and social care of people in their local area. The focus of this call is on extended community pharmacy services i.e. services delivered by a community pharmacy that go above and beyond just the dispensing of medicines. The setting is not limited to services that take place within the community pharmacy itself. For example, evaluating services delivered by a community pharmacy which take place in a person’s own home, care home or other community setting would be within remit for the call and are encouraged.

Deadline for applications: 1pm on 25th September 2020

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