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NIHR Health Determinant Research Collaborations

  Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR wishes to fund a second round of innovative research collaborations between local government and the academic sector that focus on improving the wider determinants, or drivers, of health. Health Determinants Research Collaborations (HDRCs) provide new research funding to embed a culture of evidence-based decision making within local government, boosting local authorities' capacity and capability to conduct high-quality research to tackle health inequalities.

HDRCs are a new element of NIHR-funded research based in local government. Their purpose will be to help enable local authorities to become more research-active, using evidence to inform their decision making by undertaking research and evaluation relating to their activities, including synthesising and mobilising existing evidence. In this, it will build on the wealth of knowledge that authorities already have regarding their local areas and enable what is being done to be more readily researched and evaluated. HDRCs will focus on what can be done to address the wider drivers of population health and health inequalities, explicitly addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups and areas within the relevant geography. Central to this will be a strong focus on health inequalities and actions to tackle the particular issues faced by disadvantaged groups and areas.

Deadline for proposals: 18 April 2023
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