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NIHR Health Determinant Research Collaboration

  Tuesday, 23 Nov 2021 | Funding Deadline

NIHR has launched a new initiative to fund public health research collaborations based in local authorities. The new funding has been assigned for five new Health Determinant Research Collaborations (HDRC). These first five HDRCs, established through the NIHR, will focus on how to address the wider determinants of population health and health inequalities, explicitly addressing the needs of local disadvantaged groups.

The purpose of each HDRC is to enable its host local authority to become more research-active. Each of the five collaborations will be expected to link with higher education institutions, capitalising on both the experience that exists within local government and the research skills of the public health academic community. This will support the development of expertise, and the generation of research evidence, creating a cycle of evidence-informed interventions and ultimately better outcomes for the public.


Deadline for proposals: 23 November 2021

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