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NIHR Global Health Research Groups / Units
Wednesday, 18 Nov 2020
| Funding Deadline
The NIHR Global Health Research Units and Global Health Research Groups awards form a key part of the NIHR Global Health Research commitment to ODA. The Global Health Research Units and Global Health Research Groups offer is unique for NIHR in that it provides funding to support not only delivery of research that will improve health outcomes for people living in LMICs, but also strengthens crucial research capability in resource-poor settings, in particular, training and capacity-building in both academic research and programme support functions. Together these provide a vital and sustainable platform for future research in those countries.
The following Global Health research opportunities are open for applications:
- Global Health Research Groups will be either new to delivering applied health research globally or wish to expand an existing partnership. Global Health Research Groups will address unmet global health needs through equitable research partnerships and must have Joint UK and LMIC Lead applicants, clear plans to strengthen research capacity and support future sustainability of research in partner countries.
- Global Health Research Units will have an existing track record of delivering internationally recognised applied global health research and wish to consolidate and expand this work. Units will address unmet global health needs through equitable research partnerships and must have Joint UK and LMIC Lead applicants, clear plans to strengthen research capacity and support future sustainability of research in partner countries.
Deadline for proposals: 1pm on 18th November 2020