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NIHR Global Health Research Groups

  Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR Global Health Research Portfolio uses UK aid to fund high quality applied health research and training in areas of unmet need. Our research is for the direct and primary benefit of people in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Through the NIHR Global Health Research Groups awards (Groups), the NIHR delivers ODA funding to support the development of new equitable research partnerships between researchers from the UK and from ODA eligible countries. The partnerships support both identified training and capacity needs for academic research and programme support functions in low resource settings. Together these provide an important, sustainable platform for future research and resilience in those countries. Applications in any field of applied global health research for the direct and primary benefit of people living in one or more ODA-eligible country/ies will be considered.

Deadline for proposals: 23 November 2022
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