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NIHR Global Health Policy and Systems Research: Consortia and projects
Wednesday, 15 Mar 2023
| Funding Deadline
The NIHR Global Health Research Portfolio uses UK aid to fund high quality applied health research and training in areas of unmet need. Our research is for the direct and primary benefit of people in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The programme aims to support applied research to strengthen health policy and health systems for the benefit of people in ODA-eligible countries on the DAC list, through:
- production and dissemination of high quality, contextually relevant research on health policy, health services and health systems strengthening to inform policy and practice in LMICs, and which will lead to improved outcomes for the most vulnerable and address issues of health equity
- support to equitable partnerships and networks between LMICs and/or LMIC and UK researchers to generate new research knowledge and evidence
- relevant involvement and engagement with policy makers, communities, patients and the public, civil society organisations and charities throughout the research lifecycle
- support to capacity strengthening activities and knowledge sharing
Applications are open for the following:
- HPSR Call 3 Consortia: Broad ambitious programmes of health policy and systems research and capacity strengthening delivered through a consortium of partners
- HPSR Call 3 Projects: Applied Health Policy and Systems Research Projects
Deadline for proposals: 15 March 2023