Tuesday, 10 Aug 2021 | Funding Deadline
The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme funds ambitious studies evaluating interventions with potential to make a step-change in the promotion of health, treatment of disease and improvement of rehabilitation or long-term care. Within these studies, EME supports research in the mechanisms of diseases and treatments. EME is a partnership between the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the NIHR.
The Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme is accepting stage 1 applications to their commissioned workstream: Efficacy trials in regenerative medicine
This call includes all types of novel technology for which clinical proof of concept, i.e. safety and a signal of efficacy in patients, can be demonstrated. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to: Gene therapies for rare disorders Evaluation of regenerative technologies, including novel smart materials, which builds on previous publicly and charity-funded research.
Deadline for proposals: 10 August 2021
Find out more here