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NIHR Clinical Research Facilities

  Wednesday, 29 Sep 2021 | Funding Deadline

The NIHR has launched a new, open competition to designate and fund NIHR Clinical Research Facilities (CRFs) in England. NIHR CRFs support the delivery of early translational and experimental medicine research studies, including early-phase clinical trials. They provide dedicated purpose-built facilities in the NHS specifically for the delivery of high-intensity research that requires dedicated space, facilities and specialist expertise.

NIHR CRFs are a key part of the UK’s leading early-stage clinical research infrastructure and play an important role in making the country a global hub for life sciences and delivery of the government’s Life Sciences Industrial Strategy. They will also play a key role in realising the ambitions set out in the vision for the future of UK clinical research delivery.


Deadline for proposals: 29 September 2021

Find out more here