Friday, 01 Dec 2023 | Funding Deadline
These awards are funded through a partnership between the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) and the Medical Research Council (UKRI-MRC), with in-kind support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the USA.
The awards will fund UK early to mid-career researchers to spend between 6 and 12 months at the world-class NCI Intramural Institutes, Centre for Cancer Research or Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, in Bethesda USA.
The aim is to support researchers, both clinical and non-clinical, in developing international collaborations and acquiring the necessary skills and experiences to underpin the next phase of their cancer research careers.
Submissions are welcome from any eligible applicant whose research falls within the NIHR or MRC remit. Applicants should be early to mid-career researchers who are looking to establish themselves or transition to independence in their field. You do not need to be an NIHR Academy member to apply, but if your application is successful you will automatically become one so that you can access the full benefits of membership.
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2023
Find out more here