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NIHR Artificial Intelligence Health and Care Award

  Tuesday, 08 Dec 2020 | Funding Deadline

The Artificial Intelligence Health and Care Award supports innovators and technologies across the spectrum of development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, from concept through to initial NHS adoption and testing of the technology within clinical pathways.

  • Phase 1 - Feasibility
  • Phase 2 - Development & Clinical Evaluation
  • Phase 3 - Real World Testing
  • Phase 4 - Initial Health System Adoption

The AI Award will deploy £140m to accelerate the testing and evaluation of the most promising AI technologies that meet the strategic aims set out in NHS Long Term Plan. The AI Award will support technologies across the spectrum of development, from initial feasibility to evaluation within clinical pathways in the NHS and social care settings, to the point that they could be nationally commissioned.


Deadline for proposals: 8th December 2020

Find out more here