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MRC: Population and systems medicine
Tuesday, 19 Sep 2023
| Funding Deadline
Apply for funding to support research projects focused on population and systems medicine. The following funding streams are open for application:
- Responsive mode research grant: the remit includes population health and the impact of environmental factors including the social environment on health outcomes.
- Responsive mode: programme: funds a programme as a coordinated and coherent group of related projects. You may develop these projects to address an interrelated set of questions across a broad research area.
- Responsive mode new investigator: provides funding to (1) research population and systems medicine; (2) take the next step towards becoming an independent researcher. Funds new investigators who are capable of becoming independent researchers and are now ready to take the next step towards that goal.
- Responsive mode partnership: support new partnerships between diverse groups of researchers in population and systems medicine.
Deadline for proposals: 19 September 2023