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MRC: Methodology Research Programme

  Wednesday, 11 Nov 2020 | Funding Deadline

The MRC/NIHR Methodology Research Programme (MRP) is co-funded by the MRC and the Department of Health’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

For the purposes of obtaining funding from MRP, methodology research must include at least one of the following:

  • Research primarily targeting underpinning methodologies, to create generalizable learning. Research must extend beyond a single case-study or application.
  • 'Methods in research’, the development of methods for their implementation in research standards, with the aim of improving quality and consistency in practice, for example consensus statements.
  • Research framed within a pathways to disseminate the developed methodology, or associated learning, such as to maximise implementation and adoption. This can be comparative to test and evaluate methodology or translational to create step changes in utility or uptake.
  • Research that is led by the methodological needs of a breadth of researchers, where research outputs are designed to maximise the informative value and utility across this breadth.

Applications can be led by academics based at UK Universities, MRC Units and approved independent research organisations. Applicants should follow the normal application process for the type of grant you wish to apply for:



Deadline for proposals: 4pm on 11th November 2020

Find out more here