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MRC Health Systems Research Initiative Call 8 – Research Grant

  Tuesday, 19 Jan 2021 | Funding Deadline

This Research Grant call funds research to strengthen and improve health systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Applicants based at eligible research organisations (ROs) in LMICs and the UK are eligible to apply.

The funders welcome multidisciplinary, collaborative and multi-country/multi-site applications as well as focused in-depth applications, including those driven by social science questions.

Applicants should also ensure they embed research within relevant theoretical frameworks. Teams should also ensure engagement of researchers with strong health systems expertise and demonstrate knowledge of, and potential contribution to, relevant health systems empirical literature.

Research funded through this call could:

  • engage with the contextual dynamics that shape and/or undermine effective health systems in developing countries
  • offer practical solutions to implement health care improvements
  • evaluate the health system at scale
  • illustrate how the research findings can contribute to increasing knowledge and to the discourse for addressing other health challenges.

Deadline for proposals: 19th January 2021

Find out more here