Tuesday, 15 Sep 2020 | Funding Deadline
The Medical Research Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council invite outline proposals for innovative and ambitious interdisciplinary programmes of original empirical research in adolescence, mental health and the developing mind. This £24M call will support a range of substantive flagship programmes, each of up to 4-year duration and up to £4M.
The overarching aim of this initiative is to deliver ambitious interdisciplinary research advances, generating evidence that underpins approaches for improving adolescent wellbeing, educational attainment, sense of identity and social functioning as well as our ability to prevent, address or reduce mental health problems. These advances will leverage understanding of how the adolescent mind is shaped by the complex interplay between genetic, physiological, psychological, social and cultural factors, and the key concepts and values involved in these explanations, such as mental health/illness, optimal development and autonomy. Moreover, this initiative creates an opportunity to inspire a positive vision for the unique contribution adolescents can make to culture and society, in contrast to a common narrative that characterises adolescence as a period of vulnerability or risk.
Deadline for proposals: 4pm on 15th September 2020
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