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Movember Prostate Cancer UK Major Awards in Curative Treatments

  Monday, 02 Aug 2021 | Funding Deadline

The focus of this call is to support clinical (or translational) research to improve initial treatment with curative intent, either through greater precision of treatment modalities or through better informed treatment decisions which will result in the best outcomes for that individual. The call aims to support research into the treatment of localised disease as well as research aimed at curing locoregional disease (for example, T3/T4 disease and/or true N1 M0 disease). Research into the treatment of oligometastatic/metastatic disease, or biochemical recurrence, are not in the scope of this call.

This call supports:
Clinical trials in the research areas highlighted below.
Translational research that will lead to commencement of clinical work either towards the end of the project or as the immediate next step following completion of the grant (projects must be able to articulate a clear pathway to impact and have a good idea of the subsequent clinical trial).
Research using patient samples/data/images from existing clinical trials to address any of the research themes highlighted below.
Deadline for proposals: 02 August 2021
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