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Medical Research Foundation: Pain Research fellowship

  Wednesday, 05 Apr 2023 | Funding Deadline

The Medical Research Foundation, with support from Versus Arthritis, is funding two schemes in child and adolescent musculoskeletal pain.

  • Catalyst Fellowships are available for early career researchers who are seeking to broaden their research experience and develop their own distinct research ideas.
  • Career Development Fellowships are available for mid-career researchers who are seeking to make a transition to research independence and establishing their own research niche.

Research funded through this competition will increase understanding of the mechanisms underpinning child and adolescent musculoskeletal pain, and improve diagnosis, treatment and pain recovery. To address these areas of research, the Medical Research Foundation and Versus Arthritis recognise the need for interdisciplinary and cross-sector collaborations in musculoskeletal pain research and particularly welcome applications to this scheme that include such partnerships.

Deadline for proposals: 5 April 2023
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