Monday, 03 Oct 2022 | Funding Deadline
The Medical Research Foundation is co-funding New Collaborations Grants to support Eating Disorders Research, in partnership with the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Art and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The aim of this funding opportunity is to initiate novel interdisciplinary collaborations in Eating Disorders Research and increase capacity in the field.
Applications are invited from from medical, biological and social science disciplines, as well as arts and humanities. Funding collaborations across various groupings of disciplines will allow for the exploitation of existing resources and data sets, and the development of new hypotheses and innovative approaches. This research will generate multi-faceted understanding, prevention and treatment of eating disorders across demographics. In the long-term, this could reduce the impact on people with eating disorders and their families. A key objective of this call is to enable interdisciplinary collaboration by mobilising academia, industry, the charity sector, local authorities and service providers from related areas to align their interest to eating disorders research.
Applications may focus on a particular area of the wide range of eating disorders, including disordered eating, or, can be broad in scope, however it is expected that all applications will sufficiently acknowledge the complexity and variability of these conditions. While primary research is not the key aim of this call, the use of existing datasets and resources and small-scale pump priming work are permitted. Applications should specifically consider the diverse presentation of eating disorders, and the inclusion of under-represented groups in regard to ethnicity, social class, neurodivergence, gender and sexual orientation.
Deadline for expression of interest: 3 October 2022
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