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Kidney Research UK: Polycystic Kidney Disease Research Awards

  Monday, 04 Oct 2021 | Funding Deadline

Kidney Research UK are committed to:

  • finding new ways to increase understanding of current and new biological pathways, develop new models and biomarkers to study PKD, and identify new ways to treat it
  • explore the potential around genetics and cell-based therapies, genomics and the use of data resources including the UK Rare Renal Registry RaDaR
  • better understand complications, including pain, and develop new approaches towards management and treatment.

Kidney Research UK welcome research ideas that will help answer one or more of the seventeen summary questions identified in the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) for autosomal dominant PKD (ADPKD) and research ideas that focus on autosomal recessive PKD (ARPKD). Research proposals for research project, innovation, intermediate fellowship or PhD studentship grants are invited.


Deadline for expression of interest: 04 October 2021

Find out more here