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HS&DR Rapid Service Evaluation Team 2022

  Wednesday, 05 Jan 2022 | Funding Deadline

The Health Services and Delivery Research (HS&DR) Programme aims to produce rigorous and relevant evidence to improve the quality, accessibility and organisation of health and social care services.

The HS&DR Programme wishes to commission a third team to produce, in partnership with colleagues working in health and care services, proportionate alongside, real time evaluations of innovations and development in health and care services, which will generate evidence of national relevance. This evidence should be of immediate use to decision-makers in order to improve the quality, effectiveness and accessibility of the NHS including delivery of services.

The commissioned team will have demonstrable networks into the health and care front line, enabling them to identify evaluation opportunities that could be transferable to the whole of health and care in the UK, and to make the case as to the value of the particular research to the HS&DR Programme.


Deadline for expression of interest: 05 January 2022

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