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HS&DR Programme: Improving support for adult and/or older carers

  Thursday, 05 Aug 2021 | Funding Deadline

The HS&DR Programme wishes to fund high quality, theory-led work on effective approaches to supporting carers. New research of all kinds is needed, but specific priorities have been identified by carers, voluntary groups and others. Some examples of priorities identified include overviews of what works to reduce social isolation for carers, evaluations of models of ‘centres’ to support carers, and better ways of identifying and assessing carer support needs, particularly older individuals, and those in marginalised communities.

Note that the focus of this call is addressing the needs of adult and older carers. This includes:


  • Effective approaches to facilitate identification of adult and/or older carers, not yet known to health and social care services and who may not identify themselves as `carers’.
  • Testing tools to identify the support needs of carers and testing their implementation with services funders and commissioners.
  • Knowledge mobilisation of these tailored assessment tools and support interventions into practice particularly supporting partnerships between academic researchers, policy makers, commissioners, and practitioners.
  • Acceptability and effectiveness of different ways to assessing carers’ needs such as whole family centred approaches.


Deadline for proposals: 5th August 2021

Find out more here