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Health Data Research UK: Data Science to inform NHS compound winter pressure policy response

  Monday, 05 Dec 2022 | Funding Deadline

Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is launching a rapid call for 3-month projects, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), that can address prioritised research questions to rapidly inform the policy and operational response to health and care compound winter pressures. The NHS and social care are expected to face more severe pressures than normal this winter due to interacting (compound) risks, including:

  • Influenza
  • The interaction of any influenza and COVID wave will depend on whether they are concurrent (leading to a higher, but shorter peak) or in series (smaller peak but more prolonged ‘winter’ season)
  • Other viruses and respiratory bacterial disease, particularly RSV in children, and norovirus which may affect health and social care settings resulting in increased attendances and nosocomial spread
  • Absenteeism of key staff due to sickness or caring responsibilities will put additional pressure on health and social care services
  • The impact of fuel price inflation and other cost of living pressures.

Applications are invited from groups across the UK health data infrastructure that can generate rapid insights to address these issues via a rapid, competitive funding call.

Deadline for proposals: 5 December 2022
Find out more here